Week 93


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The Detective Division is another integral role in our office

#JusticeinPimaCounty: Week 93

The men and women who work in the Detective Division of the Pima County Attorney’s Office are an integral part of our role in seeking justice and promoting public safety in our communities.

Recently, that important duty took two of our detectives to Seattle, Washington, where they were assigned to bring a crucial witness in a criminal prosecution back to Tucson to testify in court. What was unusual about this assignment was that the witness was unwilling to travel without a comfort dog that supports her emotionally.

After flying to Seattle, Detectives Alex Montoya and Jessie Faircloth did the job of bringing the witness and her dog back to Tucson by car, a trip that included numerous pitstops along the way to accommodate the canine companion.

After the witness provided testimony in court, Detectives Ferdinand Tolentino and Phillip Young, drove them back home to the Pacific Northwest.

Detective Jessie Faircloth makes one of many stops to meet the needs of a witness’ companion

This dedication and loyal devotion to their duty is reflective of the work our detective unit does here at The People’s Office.

From locating witnesses and serving subpoenas to transporting crime victims to court, they consistently show their dedication and compassion for Pima County residents. Many of our detectives arrive at the Legal Services Building after finishing successful law enforcement careers with agencies including the Tucson Police Department, the Pima County Sheriff’s Department, and the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

Here, they put their experience and skills to work in a variety of investigations while supporting other divisions and units at PCAO, including our Criminal Division prosecutors, Civil Division attorneys and our partners in crime prevention 88-CRIME.

– Fabian

Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney

Media Contacts

Shawndrea Thomas | 520.724.5738
Tony Gallego | 520.724.4170

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