Week 78


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PCAO law clerks help prepare PCSD, teachers for school shootings.

#JusticeinPimaCounty: Week 78

Six law clerks from the Pima County Attorney’s Office joined me Wednesday in assisting the Pima County Sheriff’s Department’s School Resource Unit with ongoing training and preparation for the terrible reality of school shootings.

PCAO’s law clerks look into the lens during a lunch break. (*The children pictured here are drama and theater students whose parents approved being photographed.)

The Active Shooter Preparedness Workshop conducted by our partners at PCSD is in its fifth year, and this kind of preparation has never been more desperately needed.

Law clerks Megan Nichols (left) and Jessica Scoratow (right) get ready to play the victims.

When applications to attend went up 5-fold, our partners at PCSD asked for help. I put out an internal call for a half dozen volunteers in The People’s Office to join me in one day of this weeklong drill, and I was surprised not one bit when those slots were filled within minutes.

Megan Nichols, Kiersten Schneider, Ryan Klee, Jeremy Thompson, Jessica Scoratow and Matthew Monsour each took on roles of students, teachers, school staff and others to train educators who might find themselves in this horrifying situation.

We joined the training at Pima Community College’s Northwest Campus and spent the day going over scenarios that we wish no one needed to anticipate.

This exercise – and the people who donated their time to it – will hopefully never need to be used in an actual incident. But it is so incredibly important that our community and all communities recognize the possibility and do all we can to be ready to minimize the harm.

Thank you to PCSD, Pima Community College, and those aspiring attorneys for doing what’s needed to keep all our citizens safe and healthy.

To be continued…




Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney

Media Contacts

Shawndrea Thomas | 520.724.5738
Tony Gallego | 520.724.4170

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