Week 188


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Our employees are working diligently to get the public’s business done – and done right!

#WeekInJustice: Week 188

It has been another busy work here at The People’s Office. Our employees are working diligently to get the public’s business done – and done right!

The Criminal Division swore in 5 prosecutors, some of whom have already been with us for a few weeks. They include David Melton (Major Crimes), Bart Reidy (Community Protection), Christopher Alster (Misdemeanors), Renee Waters (Domestic Violence) and Nathan Leonardo (Domestic Violence).

Laura met on Wednesday with Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes. PCAO will be supporting key legislation in the legislature this coming season and Laura and Ms. Mayes were discussing approaches and communalities. PCAO will be pursuing Red Flag laws, Cash Bail Reform, reasonable Public Records laws, and Gun Owner Responsibility legislation. More to come.

Bart Reidy tried his first case as a prosecutor this week. Rumor has it that the defendant saw Bart in the courthouse, and willingly absented himself from court! The jury returned a guilty verdict in around evidence after Bart presented his case. Bart, thanks for doing the People’s justice!

Tai Summers presented her annual Legislative Updates to the Criminal Division prosecutors last Friday. In addition to briefing us on new laws effective this coming Saturday, Tai treated us to pix from her latest scuba outing in the Caribbean. Highlights included daytime free-swimming eel and an octopus, and two spotted Eagle rays swimming in tandem. Thanks, Tai Finally, October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. Please get ready to wear purple to show your support in ending DV.

Until next week.

PCAO Senior Leadership Team

Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney

Media Contacts

Shawndrea Thomas | 520.724.5738
Tony Gallego | 520.724.4170

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