Week 175


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Another full week of trials.

#WeekInJustice: Week 175

It was another very full week of trials, most especially out of the Special Victim’s Unit. Four jury trials from that Unit alone are underway.  This Unit in particular represents a lot of cases that were held off during COVID, awaiting a time when trials could once again be held safely, from a pandemic perspective.  These teams: Prosecutor, Victim Advocate, Paralegal, Legal Assistant, Detective and more, have really carried the burden of the Supreme Court’s directive to our Superior Court to rush forward as many trials as possible.  As I have said before, rushing the system risks injustice and violations of victim’s rights.  These teams in SVU have done everything possible to hold the line against those unnecessary risks.

Elsewhere in the People’s Office:

  • Our election lawyers in the Civil Division will be attending a Statewide training soon to prepare themselves for the front lines of keeping voters safe and free from voter intimidation.
  • We began filming our next Public Safety Announcement with the Tucson Fire Department, as the swimming and pool season ramps up.
  • Bill Brammer, our Appeals Chief, took the summer law clerks to lunch at El Torero Restaurant.  They were so happy.  Just had to end this Weekly on a good note.

To be continued,


Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney

Media Contacts

Shawndrea Thomas | 520.724.5738
Tony Gallego | 520.724.4170

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