Week 142


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Programs to make the community healthier and safer.

#WeekInJustice: Week 142

The continued decrease in homicides along with our progress in reducing the backlog of previously unresolved cases is giving us all the breathing room we need to continue our push into areas of intervention and developing programs designed to make the community healthier and safer in the long term.

Here are some examples: Mark Hotchkiss and Josh Moser joined me at the U.S. Attorney’s Office to continue to strategize with the Tucson Police Department and federal law enforcement to drive down gun related crimes in Pima County.

Emmanuelle Fahey, our Restorative Justice Coordinator, led an Office-wide training as we prepare to pilot our very first adult Restorative Justice case. Prosecutors from throughout the Legal Services Building joined in person and virtually to learn about this promising approach to healing relationships harmed by crime.

With the weather (kind of) cooling, we were out last weekend at a couple of resource fairs designed to promote a healthier and safer Pima County.

The organizers of the safety resource fair at Child and Family Resources were as pleased and surprised as we were at the turnout on Saturday morning. Folks steadily streamed through for the two-hour event and Jocelyn and C.T. from The People’s Office handed out about 50 free gunlocks, a full box of Narcan and another of fentanyl test strips, dozens of bicycle reflectors, and lot of fun stuff like handheld fans and swag bags equipped with a box of crayons for coloring it.

In partnership with Living Streets Alliance, The Amphi Neighborhood Association also held a Community Resource Fair at Literacy Connects on Saturday. Residents were able to access assistance with utilities, diapers, fresh produce, employment and more in multiple languages. Thirty-two different languages are spoken in the Amphi Neighborhood! Emmanuelle and Sofia were there with info and resources from PCAO and they speak French and Spanish respectively. This event will feed into Cyclovia next month and the route will take folks through the Amphi neighborhood.

As the month concludes, follow this link to our September newsletter.

Laura Conover

The People’s Office

Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney

Media Contacts

Shawndrea Thomas | 520.724.5738
Tony Gallego | 520.724.4170

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