Week 139


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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

#WeekInJustice: Week 139

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. Above a photo taken last fall when the County lit the beautiful dome in purple in solidarity and remembrance.

It takes a great deal of time to prepare for October.  Our Domestic Violence (DV) Unit prepares to take on extra prevention work in addition to their heavy caseloads.  Our Detectives Division partners with all area law enforcement to create a high priority list of those charged with serious DV crimes and are fugitives from the law, for a specialized October task force to bring people to justice. 

And our Victim Services Division engages in education and training around the critical topic. 

But we don’t have to wait for October to deliver a critical message.

Domestic violence is not limited by zip code.  It can occur anywhere. 

Domestic violence does not contain itself by race or ethnicity.  Anyone can be affected.

And, domestic violence does not recognize gender.  Any gender can be victimized.  All of us can suffer harm.

If we allow ourselves to believe domestic violence only happens in some places against certain people, then we will overlook those at the highest risk, and we will allow those who would commit ultimate acts of violence to go unchecked.  We must keep an open mind that domestic violence can sometimes defy stereotypes, or our progress against DV will stagnate.

To be continued,


Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney

Media Contacts

Shawndrea Thomas | 520.724.5738
Tony Gallego | 520.724.4170

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