Week 111


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Happy Birthday Arizona!

#WeekInJustice: Week 111

How absolutely fascinating that this would be Weekly number #111 the very same week Arizona turns 111 years old…

We assume many of you celebrated Valentine’s Day on Tuesday, but The People’s Office was wishing Arizona her very best on her birthday.

In fact, it was a week of milestones:

  • We have come so far on the homicide backlog that we have officially moved the Homicide Panel from every single Monday to meeting 3 times a month. This will be such an important, heathy respite for our senior prosecutors and all area homicide detectives. So well-earned!
  • The United Way marked its 18th annual breakfast with over 1000 community members emphasizing early childhood education. As forty years of data shows, the earlier a child can become a student, the healthier and safer our community becomes. Our own Arika Wells, a founding member of the United Way Literacy Champions, hosted, and moderated the entire breakfast masterfully. (Pictured above)

As we continue to monitor public safety bills in the AZ legislature, we are also now fully in the law school recruitment season. We have somehow broken last year’s historic record of Law clerk applicants, which brings us great joy. Yesterday 7 of us spent the day at the James E. Rogers College of Law at the UA (🐻🔽!). Today, I braved frightening gusty winds on I-10 to visit some other University up north on my own. It’s that important to me. We strive to hire good attorneys, but more importantly, we are looking to hire great human beings.

To be continued,


Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney

Media Contacts

Shawndrea Thomas | 520.724.5738
Tony Gallego | 520.724.4170

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