Week 105


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Good News to Start the New Year

#WeekInJustice: Week 105

We began the week full of hope for the new year.

It was a good rest for PCAO, especially in the Criminal Division, where under the leadership of Criminal Chief Bruce Chalk, the Homicide Panel took the longest break yet in our two years in office.

After 126 grueling, tragic, formal presentations, the esteemed Panel was given almost two and half weeks off as a much-needed respite. It was so well-deserved for both our elite prosecutors and leaders in the office, and the homicide detective units of our law enforcement partners. 

And, it comes on the heels of some relative good news: an insufficient but nonetheless substantial drop in the homicide rate for the City of Tucson to close out 2022.

The week continued in the spirit of a new year.  We formally deputized three tribal prosecutors from the Pascua Yaqui tribe this morning, to join our office in our quest to improve and expand justice for victims. We are pleased to be joined in this by Coleen Thoene, O.J. Flores, and Russell Boatwright (pictured above).

And Arizona ushered in a new state government promising to collaborate with our Office in a much welcomed new year greeting.

Be it snow on the Lemmon, or sunset in midtown, the Old Pueblo is clearly ready for a new year, and so are we.

This is the People’s Office.

To be continued,


P.S. We are anticipating a very exciting delivery this coming Monday.  Stay tuned!

Photo courtesy of Mount Lemmon Hotel 
Photo courtesy of C. Conover, age 9
Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney

Media Contacts

Shawndrea Thomas | 520.724.5738
Tony Gallego | 520.724.4170

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