Week 102


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Focusing on Western Pima County

#WeekInJustice: Week 102

Nothing like a severe flu to disrupt my desire to update the community on a weekly basis. But I’m back at it:

We have been focused of late on Western Pima County and humbly reminded how VAST and diverse our beautiful county is.

On a Monday morning in late November, we traveled to Robles Junction and met with a small handful of residents before moving on to Ajo.

A very beautiful and historic community, Ajo holds one of our justice courts, and so I first had an in-depth meeting at our Sheriff’s substation with Lt. Jeremy Olsen, and then together we joined Ajo Judge John Peck at a lively townhall.

My Senior Leadership Team then joined me Tuesday morning for a two-day, end-of-year retreat to reflect honestly on the past year and to plan optimistically for 2023.

Several days later, a core group of leaders joined me in Sells to meet with Tohono O’odham Nation Chairman Ned Norris, the TON’s new Attorney General Howard Shanker, Legislative Chairman Timothy Joaquin, and Executive Counsel Christine Van Dyk to discuss what we had recently accomplished with the Pascua Yaqui tribe regarding improved victim services through collaboration with our office. It took me far too long to return to these communities, and I vow to return sooner than later.  I remain a work in progress.

Laura with Tohono O’odham Chair Norris
Laura with Lt. Olsen and Judge Peck
A Christmas Tree in historic Ajo
PCAO Senior Leadership Team at our retreat in Ajo

To be continued,


Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney

Media Contacts

Shawndrea Thomas | 520.724.5738
Tony Gallego | 520.724.4170

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