2022 PCAO Year Two Review Released


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2022 PCAO Year Two Review

Tucson, Arizona – The second year of work in The People’s Office is in the books, and many of the details of what we accomplished in 2022 are now available to all in our annual report – the Year Two Review.

While every unit and division that comprise the Pima County Attorney’s Office is represented in this 24-page report chalk full of information and images, we highlight the myriad ways our Civil Unit works on behalf of the people of Pima County and our clients in county government.

It’s the attorneys and support staff in the Civil Unit that make PCAO different from a typical District Attorney’s office, which only handles criminal matters. Both D.A.s and County Attorneys work on behalf of justice and public safety by prosecuting crimes, but a county attorney also supports public health, elections, workforce, businesses, and the environment, among the many roles we play in the communities we serve.

The report holds lots of information about the work Civil Chief Deputy Sam Brown and his team did last year, as well as updates on our efforts by Chief Criminal Deputy Bruce Chalk and his divisions to modernize our office to a paperless system, address the ongoing homicide spike, “street crimes,” and other crimes, to serve justice and hold people accountable.

Additionally, you’ll find information about the reforms we are making for children in the justice system, for people whose offenses threaten only their own wellbeing, and for those who deserve a second chance.

Add in the work of our outstanding Victim Services Division, our courthouse trauma dogs, our Detectives Unit, and 88-Crime, and you’ll get a full picture of all the ways PCAO serves the people of Pima County.

To view PCAO’s Year Two Review, click the link above, visit our website at Pima County Attorney | The People’s Office, or follow us on social media through the links at the top of our Home Page.

The release of this report marks the end of two full years of this administration and provides brief updates on many initiatives and a variety of operations here at PCAO. County Attorney Conover will host a media event soon to address questions and provide additional information.

Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney

Media Contacts

Shawndrea Thomas | 520.724.5738
Tony Gallego | 520.724.4170

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