Week 103


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Time for reflection as we approach the end of our second year

#WeekInJustice: Week 103

The boss asked me to take the keyboard for this penultimate Week in Review of 2022 as we mark the holidays and approach the end of our second year in The People’s Office.

This is a time for reflection and given the project that has occupied my time this past week, I find I have a bit of a longing for my old profession at the same time I feel humbled by my current one.

This week, and for the past few months, I have been playing the role of reporter in my workplace. It is a role that I played every day for more than two decades: finding interesting people who are doing important things and sharing their stories with readers.

Since leaving the newspaper business in 2006, I have worked mostly in the public sector alongside public servants at the city, state, and now county levels.

These two pursuits have melded recently as I have engaged many of the talented and dedicated people here at the Pima County Attorney’s Office to learn more about what they have accomplished in 2022 so that I could write about it all in our annual report – the “Year Two Review.”

It has reinforced what I learned as a reporter and have personally experienced since.

Public service is a calling for truly amazing people who genuinely care about the job at hand and the people they serve.

Their collective stories tell how this office:

  • Works for public safety and health in Pima County
  • Holds people accountable for their actions
  • Assists victims in getting through awful events
  • Finds alternatives to incarceration when treatment or diversion is appropriate
  • Works with neighbors, social service providers and law enforcement partners to build supportive relationships…and more.

PCAO’s Year Two Review will be available shortly after the start of 2023.

I hope that it will provide insight into the righteous and challenging work that more than 300 employees do here at the Pima County Attorney’s Office.

And I hope that each of you enjoys a happy and healthy holiday season.


C.T. Revere

At my desk at The Grand Rapids (Mich.) Press in the early 1990s
A slightly older me in 2022
Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney

Media Contacts

Shawndrea Thomas | 520.724.5738
Tony Gallego | 520.724.4170

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