Week 81


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Sam's landmark cases.

#JusticeinPimaCounty: Week 81

And now a word about our Civil Chief, and his Unit, providing the star power this week.

Sam Brown is known for many wonderful things in Tucson, notably including his very fine work for TUSD as “The Deseg Attorney.”

Since 1978, The Tucson Unified School District has been under a Desegregation Order with outside forces trying to monitor and encourage the District toward what is called “Unitary Status.”  Sam had written his third-year thesis on desegregation in Law School at American University, so of course he was perfect for the TUSD General Counsel’s Office to manage this complex, critical and high-profile issue.

He said he would see it through, and he gave a whole decade to it.

As it reached conclusion, I saw my opportunity to reach out and hire Sam, so he could be the face of County legal at The Pima County Attorney’s Office.  (Again, all our thanks Dr. Trujillo!)

Yesterday, the filing in federal court became final, and after 44 years, Tucson Unified is UNIFIED!

One might say this is the triumph of a career, and it is.

And yet, AND YET! – today, Sam Brown and team filed a momentous motion.

Today, the People’s Office represented the will of the Pima County Board of Supervisors, and the will of the People, and filed this attached motion, joining with Planned Parenthood.

I don’t know why Sam and I are destined to work on the biggest cases of the ‘70s, originating before either of us were born.  But we are here, as Sam has said, “to solve some puzzles together.” 

What an historic week, Sam.  Let us know what you have on tap for next week.

To be continued…




Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney

Media Contacts

Shawndrea Thomas | 520.724.5738
Tony Gallego | 520.724.4170

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