Week 69


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Wednesday of this week was Administrative Professionals Day and it wasn’t lost on anyone here at The Pima County Attorney’s Office.

#JusticeinPimaCounty: Week 69

In a building occupied by attorneys who deal with criminal and civil matters, along with detectives and victim advocates, they are the admins who keep everything running on time, the paralegals, legal secretaries and many others who ensure cases are ready to go and victims are supported.

They are the glue that holds together the many parts that make up PCAO and I’m pretty sure no one would object to outwardly celebrating them every day. An Instagram post from County Attorney Laura Conover on that day summed it up rather well.

“Today, and every day, the administrative professionals who work in the office and in our communities, help keep Pima County safe, assure victims fair and empathetic closure, and keep our building and tasks running smoothly,” she wrote.

And did the office ever share that sentiment!

Throughout the building, there were appreciative emails and gestures, including coffee, pastries, and humungous cookies.

Chief Criminal Deputy Dan South opened the day-long salvo of appreciation with a 5:58 a.m. email to the entire building, saying in part: “I know from experience that we would be lost without the team effort you all put in every single day that keeps us on track, sane, and fighting for the people we serve.”

A few hours later, Dan let the building know he had nominated Jodi Karlan for recognition for her 21 years supporting PCAO’s Charging Unit.

“She touches every single case this office handles…,” Dan wrote in his nomination letter. “For her exceptional ability, and her lifetime of service to Pima County, I am honored to nominate Jodi for the Administrative Professional Lifetime Achievement Award.”

When the 350-plus people working in the Legal Services Building learned of this, my inbox absolutely exploded with responses from appreciative coworkers.

It was a heartwarming apex on a day of appreciation for those throughout the office and the community who work often behind the scenes to make sure things run smoothly.

Administrative professionals play a critical role in all that happens at PCAO to help promote public safety and accountability in our community.

To be continued…

C.T. Revere – PCAO Communications Director

Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney

Media Contacts

Shawndrea Thomas | 520.724.5738
Tony Gallego | 520.724.4170

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