Week 29, July 23, 2021


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There’s been so much tragedy for our community to deal with the past week and, of course, the last...

There’s been so much tragedy for our community to deal with the past week and, of course, the last 18 months. Violence is demanding our attention, in our neighborhoods and across the media. Because one of the primary roles of this Office is to prosecute people who commit violence and are a danger to the safety of those who live across Pima County, I want to briefly share with you some data on that front.

In 2021, thus far, the Pima County Attorney’s Office has prosecuted 4,472 cases that involve violent offenses, including aggravated assault, sexual assault, armed robbery, kidnapping and murder. The majority of those cases have not been fully adjudicated. But in those that have, the people convicted have been collectively sentenced to more than 1,025 years in prison and jail and another 1,327 years on probation.

And yet, violence continues, here in Tucson and across the country. Prosecution and prison sentences alone are not preventing violence from happening. That’s because prosecution is, by and large, reactive.

So, in what is an ongoing effort to help our community prevent violence before it occurs, I’m sharing a few proactive resources this week that should be as normalized a prevention method before violence actually occurs as calling 911 is after violence happens.

Community Mental Health Crisis Line / (520) 622-6000 – Call this number 24/7 if you have a loved one, family member or friend who’s experiencing severe emotional distress, mental illness or substance use disorder. It’s available to anyone living in Pima County, and if you need them, you’ll be referred to other resources (see below) that can help.

Crisis Response Center (CRC) / (520) 301-2400 – The CRC provides 24/7 access to mental health and substance use services for both youth and adults. If your loved one is dealing with suicidal thoughts or behaviors, anxiety, or hallucinations, or they need to detox, the CRC can help. And no one is turned away for an inability to pay.

Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse / (520) 795-4266 – Emerge offers emergency shelter, community-based services, community education, and a 24/7 hotline to anyone experiencing domestic abuse.

I know that the resources above – and increased support for other community-based services – will help us prevent tragedies across Pima County. If we use them

To be continued,

#AZGOHS #PimaCounty #ItTakesAVillage

Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney

Media Contacts

Shawndrea Thomas | 520.724.5738
Tony Gallego | 520.724.4170

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