Week 187


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This week's theme: Education

#WeekInJustice: Week 187

The theme for this week seemed to be education:

• We defined the terms “dismiss with prejudice” and “dismiss without prejudice” for the community in regards to a high-profile case of community concern. Without discussing the facts of the case, of course, we were able to explain why certain very complex cases must wait for very specialized testing to occur. The time it takes for this kind of investigation sometimes requires us to dismiss a case WITHOUT prejudice to allow law enforcement the time they need to complete their side of the case and present the evidence to us. The time it takes can be hard on families awaiting results. It’s also a critical part of the fairness critical to the American justice system. Once a person is indicted, that paper trail can follow them for the rest of their lives. That’s why here at The People’s Office we do everything possible to “get it right, not rushed.”
• Our very own Laura McGinley who returned to join us a couple of years ago as a prosecutor will now also take on a role as Training Director. It is exciting to watch her enthusiasm for putting together next year’s agenda.
• We are researching and consulting on our upcoming legislative agenda which we hope will include a Red Flag bill and Cash Bail Reform.
• And I educated myself once again by visiting our extraordinary Victim’s Compensation Board as they carefully dissected a VERY complex domestic violence claim for lost wages and moving expenses for the victim to be in a safer place. That Board of volunteers has over 250 years of combined experience, and it was fascinating to watch them pour over the law, rules, and reports in the pursuit of justice.
• On a fun Friday note, very much-needed computer monitors arrived this morning. Early. Like days early. With no notice! It was fun to watch people pour out of the building to help move cars, briefly shut down Pennington, get the truck turned around to the loading dock, and unload pallets. Pics attached. Such a fun team spirit here.

To be continued,


Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney

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Shawndrea Thomas | 520.724.5738
Tony Gallego | 520.724.4170

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