Pima County Attorney’s Statement on Angelito Adrian Olivas Case  – September 3, 2024


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Pima County Attorney's Statement on Angelito Adrian Olivas Case

Tucson, Ariz.-In response to the current state of the Angelito Adrian Olivas case, the Pima County Attorney’s Office has released the following statement: 
“After a comprehensive and extensive meeting with Zahriya Moreno’s family, the Pima County Attorney’s Office has moved to dismiss the matter, without prejudice.
Dismissing a case without prejudice is a tool routinely used that allows law enforcement the time necessary to gather additional evidence to conduct a thorough investigation, especially in complex cases such as this.
In this case, the Sheriff’s Department is working on a number of assignments that will take some time, and our office anticipates another presentation of the case by the Sheriff’s Department in the future. Our goal is to ensure that our decisions in charging cases are made with all the information needed to provide a fair and just judicial process.
Because this case is considered open and under investigation, the rules do not allow us to comment further at this time.”
Pima County Attorney’s Office

Media Contact: Shawndrea Thomas
Director of Communications
Pima County Attorney’s Office
(520) 724-5738 (Office)
(520) 310-4720 (Mobile)

Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney

Media Contacts

Shawndrea Thomas | 520.724.5738
Tony Gallego | 520.724.4170

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