Week 174


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The decade's two most high-profile criminal trials have been completed.

#WeekInJustice: Week 174

Within a month’s time, PCAO has successfully completed perhaps the decade’s two most high-profile and profound criminal trials of the decade.  Between Clements, where events began in 2014 to Dervish, the Office has proven that the next generation of violent crime prosecutors, victim advocates, and incredible staff are more than ready to tackle the demands of holding violent actors accountable.   But perhaps a more important narrative came out of the Dervish trial: a narrative about the UA Professor’s extraordinarily strong and gracious family, a demand that Arizona join over half the nation with a red flag law which I will keep pushing, and a triumphant victory of professionalism at the People’s Office.  Much has been said this week, including by the Judge who presided over the nine-day jury trial, in our office, and across the street at the Public Defender’s Office about how all four trial attorneys held themselves to the highest levels of integrity, calm, and humanity despite the devastating circumstances of the case.  THIS is what we are teaching young prosecutors about how to properly conduct themselves, despite high stress, and THIS is the kind of decorum they will carry forward now as prosecutors and in later years, when they become the next generation of judges.


* Our own Civil Deputy and Appeals attorney James Rappaport is named the new President of the Pima County Bar Association.

* The coalition of Border County Prosecutors we built continues to speak out about the public safety dangers of HB 2060 – the misguided attempt to bring SB1070 Show Me Your Papers back to life. A link to our statements can be found here.

* We welcomed the first crew of law clerks, and 3 more will join them next week.  Obviously, it’s so heartwarming and inspiring to be flooded with a bullpen of sharp and excited go-getters who have chosen the People’s Office to launch their legal professional careers.

And congratulations to Mike O’Hearn who’s retiring after more than 12 years of leading our Trial Support Services Unit at the office and a total of 29 at the county. Enjoy your retirement!!

To be continued,


Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney

Media Contacts

Shawndrea Thomas | 520.724.5738
Tony Gallego | 520.724.4170

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