Week 163


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Verdict reached in Isabel Celis case.

#WeekInJustice: Week 163

Much of the work that dominated our attention this week fell to awaiting the verdict in the homicide of a little girl from Tucson named Isabel Celis.  The verdict was guilty on all counts, and if you haven’t seen the press release, please take a moment to read it here because it talks a bit about the many extraordinarily talented people here at PCAO and from half a dozen different agencies who put twelve years of their lives into the case.  It also talks a bit about the way the whole community came together so profoundly when the incident first occurred.  This case was so tragic, and it may help to remember the way thousands, truly thousands, volunteered time, and effort in those early days when we still hoped Isabel could be found, unharmed.  It’s an honor to live in a community like this and to get to serve alongside the folks that successfully reached this conviction.

Tracy Miller at media briefing after verdict pictured above.

I’ll share more personally here, that I was very proud, of course, for the team here.  But I also spent time alone yesterday evening in a sad contemplation.  Because after so much hard work, for so many years, we still don’t have what we most long for: an ability to bring Isabel Celis and Maribel Gonzales from the related case, back home to their loved ones.  It’s a hard truth for us here at the People’s Office.  Yet, we persevere on. 

Most sincerely: que en paz descansen, Isa y Mari. 


Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney

Media Contacts

Shawndrea Thomas | 520.724.5738
Tony Gallego | 520.724.4170

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