Week 137


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Back-to-back convictions, the Arizona Supreme Court, the American Bar Association, and more!

#WeekInJustice: Week 137

Some highlights during the week: 

* SVU Chief Tracy Miller secured a second conviction in back-to-back trials, thereby securing justice for multiple victims of serious harm. 

* The Arizona Supreme Court set briefings on our reproductive health case, and rest assured we are ready for the challenge.  

* Civil Deputy Tiffany Tom was selected by the Arizona State Bar as a delegate to the American Bar Association.  

* On Tuesday, our communications team was able to set-up a table at an open house/resource and job fair at Utterback Middle School.  We enjoy partnering with Utterback and its amazing Principal, watching them rise from an F-rated school to a high B!

C.T. Revere manned the table, answered a ton of questions, and handed out some goodies for visitors.

And,  The week ended on a high note this morning at the fundraising breakfast for Fresh Start. It was an awesome gathering as we gear up for the amazing October 21st Expo that we participate in every year, to do what we can to support people returning to our communities from incarceration.

Again, it’s always so restoring, even for us, to be able to join Dr. Da’Mond Holt and play a role in prevention.

To be continued…


Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney

Media Contacts

Shawndrea Thomas | 520.724.5738
Tony Gallego | 520.724.4170

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