Week 133


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Another week of hard work

#WeekInJustice: Week 133

Another week of hard work at The People’s Office with:

  • The successful conclusion to an extremely violent assault case, (more details to come,)
  • Two dogs and a group of chickens were rescued from abuse and neglect,
  • Our dedicated Law Clerks and Interns are wrapping up their work here (and their field trips, pictured here at The Drawing Studio!) and they will be featured here on social media until the end of this month. We will miss them, but we wish them the best in their careers and hope to see them back here someday soon.
Left to right: Interns James Cerasia, Mattie King, Stephanie Costa, and Crystal Rose Cillitto.
Along with Laura and Anthony Avila (Development Director of the Drawing).

The Office was also focused this week on the results of a County-wide Class and Comp study, the first since 1957 (you read that correctly,) and with great thanks to both County Administrator Jan Lesher, her team, Chair Grijalva, and Supervisors Heinz, Scott, and Christy, Phase One of a critically needed class and grade increase was passed.  Our employees and 7,000 employees County-wide breathed a great sigh of relief.  We are hopeful as Phases Two and Three roll forward later this year, we will be more competitive even with other government offices in hiring for vacancies, especially with staff.

To be continued…


Laura Conover

Laura Conover

Pima County Attorney

Media Contacts

Shawndrea Thomas | 520.724.5738
Tony Gallego | 520.724.4170

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